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Divisive attenuation based on noisy sensorimotor predictions accounts for excess variability in self-touch
bioRxiv  doi:10.1101/2024.06.20.599826
2024 / in press
Dissecting the components of error in analogue report tasks
Behaviour Research Methods  ()
Representation and computation in working memory REVIEW
Nature Human Behaviour  ()
A dynamic neural resource model bridges sensory and working memory
eLife  ()
Commentary on this paper by Selinas & Sheik: “Memorable first impressions”
Perceptual similarity judgments do not predict the distribution of errors in working memory
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition  ()
Neural tuning instantiates prior expectations in the human visual system
Nature Communications  ()
Working memory is updated by reallocation of resources from obsolete to new items
Attention, Perception & Psychophysics  ()
Swap errors in visual working memory are fully explained by cue-feature variability
Cognitive Psychology  ()
Role of time in binding features in visual working memory
Psychological Review  ()
Mechanisms of feature binding in visual working memory are stable over long delays
Journal of Vision  ()
Transsaccadic integration operates independently in different feature dimensions
Journal of Vision  ()
Special Issue: “From Peripheral to Transsaccadic and Foveal Perception”
Limited memory for ensemble statistics in visual change detection
Cognition  ()
Transsaccadic integration relies on a limited memory resource
Journal of Vision  ()
Special Issue: “From Peripheral to Transsaccadic and Foveal Perception”
Location-independent feature binding in visual working memory for sequentially presented objects
Attention, Perception & Psychophysics  ()
Consequence of stroke for feature recall and binding in visual working memory
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory  ()
Stochastic sampling provides a unifying account of working memory limits
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences  ()
Theory of neural coding predicts an upper bound on estimates of memory variability
Psychological Review  ()
The effect of frontoparietal paired associative stimulation on decision-making and working memory
Cortex  ()
Independent working memory resources for egocentric and allocentric spatial information
PLOS Computational Biology  ()
Flexible updating of dynamic knowledge structures
Scientific Reports  ()
Functions of memory across saccadic eye movements REVIEW
Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences  ()
Internal but not external noise frees working memory resources
PLOS Computational Biology  ()
New perspectives on binding in visual working memory REVIEW
British Journal of Psychology  ()
Efficient coding in visual working memory accounts for stimulus-specific variations in recall
Journal of Neuroscience  ()
Drift in neural population activity causes working memory to deteriorate over time
Journal of Neuroscience  ()
Visual working memory is independent of the cortical spacing between memoranda
Journal of Neuroscience  ()
A neural model of retrospective attention in visual working memory
Cognitive Psychology  ()
Restoration of fMRI decodability does not imply latent working memory states
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience  ()
Automatic and intentional influences on saccade landing
Journal of Neurophysiology  ()
Neural architecture for feature binding in visual working memory
Journal of Neuroscience  ()
Fidelity of the representation of value in decision-making
PLOS Computational Biology  ()
Reduced hippocampal functional connectivity during episodic memory retrieval in autism
Cerebral Cortex  ()
Distinct neural mechanisms underlie the success, precision, and vividness of episodic memory
eLife  ()
A signature of neural coding at human perceptual limits
Journal of Vision  ()
Competition between movement plans increases motor variability: evidence of a shared resource for movement planning
Journal of Neurophysiology  ()
No fixed item limit in visuospatial working memory
Cortex  ()
Spikes not slots: noise in neural populations limits working memory REVIEW
Trends in Cognitive Sciences  ()
Evidence for optimal integration of visual feature representations across saccades
Journal of Neuroscience  ()
A probabilistic palimpsest model of visual short-term memory
PLOS Computational Biology  ()
Eye-Search: a web-based therapy that improves visual search in hemianopia
Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology  ()
Noise in neural populations accounts for errors in working memory
Journal of Neuroscience  ()
Changing concepts of working memory REVIEW
Nature Neuroscience  ()
Working memory retrieval as a decision process
Journal of Vision  ()
Functional magnetic resonance imaging of impaired sensory prediction in schizophrenia
JAMA Psychiatry  ()
Age-related decline of precision and binding in visual working memory
Psychology & Aging  ()
Dopamine reverses reward insensitivity in apathy following globus pallidus lesions
Cortex  ()
Rapid compensation of visual search strategy in patients with chronic visual field defects
Cortex  ()
Modulation of somatosensory processing by action
Neuroimage  ()
Obligatory encoding of task-irrelevant features depletes working memory resources
Journal of Vision  ()
Rapid forgetting prevented by retrospective attention cues
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance  ()
Active inhibition and memory promote exploration and search of natural scenes
Journal of Vision  ()
Development of visual working memory precision in childhood
Developmental Science  ()
Impulsivity and rapid decision-making for reward
Frontiers in Psychology  ()
Rapid decision-making under risk
Cognitive Neuroscience  ()
Precision of working memory for visual motion sequences and transparent motion surfaces
Journal of Vision  ()
Temporal dynamics of encoding, storage and reallocation of visual working memory
Journal of Vision  ()
Dynamic updating of working memory resources for visual objects
Journal of Neuroscience  ()
Storage and binding of object features in visual working memory
Neuropsychologia  ()
Special Issue: “Interactions between attention and visual short-term memory (VSTM)”
Precision versus capacity of working memory in schizophrenic and healthy individuals
Archives of General Psychiatry Online  ()
Integration of goal- and stimulus-related visual signals revealed by damage to human parietal cortex
Journal of Neuroscience  ()
The precision of visual working memory is set by allocation of a shared resource
Journal of Vision  ()
Eye movements as a probe of attention REVIEW
Progress in Brain Research  ()
Spatial remapping of the visual world across saccades REVIEW
Neuroreport  ()
Computational principles of sensorimotor control that minimise uncertainty and variability REVIEW
Journal of Physiology  ()
Predictive attenuation in the perception of touch
Attention & Performance XXII: Sensorimotor Foundations of Higher Cognition  ()
Simultaneous bimanual dynamics are learned without interference
Experimental Brain Research  ()
Attenuation of self-generated tactile sensations is predictive, not postdictive
PLOS Biology  ()
2005 & earlier
Evidence for sensory prediction deficits in schizophrenia
American Journal of Psychiatry  ()
Perception of the consequences of self-action is temporally tuned and event driven
Current Biology  ()
Failure to consolidate the consolidation theory of learning for sensorimotor adaptation tasks
Journal of Neuroscience  ()
Two eyes for an eye: The neuroscience of force escalation
Science  ()